The Official Traveler

SIMPLY ADORABLE: I love it, You’ll surely love it! ♥


Kids are effortlessly adorable for their innocence and pure heart. It is so amazing how some of them explicitly show how they think even surpassing how grown ups do–not only in words… but in ACTION.

Watch Zhang Junhao in his short interview after his random dance performance. He is a three-year old boy from Zibo in the province of Shandong, China.

Q: Why do you dance?
Zhang Junhao: Because I like dancing. When I dance, my mom laughs. Mama says laughing is happiness.

Q: Junhao, Tell me what is your dream?
Zhang Junhao: My dream is to make other people happy ..because I’m happy. Are you happy?

You’d want to raise these kinds of kids even more’ll be more refreshed in the next interview of Zhang Junhao and Little Xixi:

Little Xixi: Can’t both of us go to the Great Hall? Only one person can go?

Q: So, what do you say we should do. Should you go or Junhao go?

Little Xixi: I haven’t been to the Great Hall before.

Q: Junhao haven’t been either. What should we do?

Little Xixi: If he’s sad then I’ll give my chance to go. If he’s not sad, then I’ll go.

Wanna know what Junhao said?.. Watch the video towards the end 🙂

It’s interesting to realize how grown ups handle competition or rivalry in any sense compared to these children. Our environment, our society as we grow older change our perspectives. As grown ups, how do we behave? Competitions are all around us in terms of status, professions, positions, titles, sibling rivalries, or even when pursuing love for someone. It’s a beautiful thing when we choose to act like the pure-hearted kids in some ways. But in reality though, we must also admit that this is VERY rare. Even so, I still hope this too shall multiply not only in the hearts of young children but also in the life of our youth.

A self-reminder,

👣 HistoryMaker/The Official Traveler

