What Volunteering Has Taught Me ❤️

Volunteer I love today's prompt: Volunteer!  via Daily Prompt: Volunteer. It significantly flashbacks golden memories of my volunteering experiences. I live in a lovable country where volunteering opportunities can be found almost everywhere. Why? First, it is prone to natural calamities such as earthquakes, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, etc. Second, it is a developing country where at least 26.3% (12Million... Continue Reading →

SIMPLY ADORABLE: I love it, You’ll surely love it! ♥

Kids are effortlessly adorable for their innocence and pure heart. It is so amazing how some of them explicitly show how they think even surpassing how grown ups do--not only in words... but in ACTION. Watch Zhang Junhao in his short interview after his random dance performance. He is a three-year old boy from Zibo in... Continue Reading →

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