What is success? What determines whether you are successful or not? I am quite certain that success differs from one person to another. Success may be pursuing a degree and finishing it (with and without flying colors). Success may be getting married and having a beautiful family life. Success may be building a career and... Continue Reading →
Pathfinder: Where do I go from here?
Dear 20-something, How have you been? It should have been a roller coaster ride trying to figure out your path in life. You have somehow felt disappointed for not being able to meet many expectations. You look at yourself and think you are so left behind compared with others. You may feel frustrated because you... Continue Reading →
Sun-kissed While Waiting
"May I never forget that on my best days, I still need God as much as I did on my worst day." Waiting is hard. Most of us wait in grocery lines or in the traffic lights. Some wait for a university letter of offer or a scholarship offer. While others wait for a job... Continue Reading →
Here’s a Response from a 20-something to the FAQ: “So, When Are You Getting Married?”
In the Philippines, when you are in your mid-20s, late 20s, 30s and STILL single or in a relationship but not yet married, you will be often asked with the most popular question in town, "When are you getting married?" Some people (including me) would just respond jokingly as they tease and ignore it afterwards... Continue Reading →
New Zealand NYE Fireworks 2018
Happy New Year everyone! The digits have changed once again. Let's welcome 2018 with a bang! What are you going to do to ensure that 2018 would be a terrific year ahead? NOTE TO SELF: It's time to prepare for the year ahead. First, review your last year then set goals for 2018. Prioritise a... Continue Reading →
Small Victories: Short-term Pain for Long-term Gain
This post is inspired by the Daily Post: Ascend MikesBikes is a business simulation program that links business concepts and theories into real-life business management. Students are engaged into running their own companies and compete with other teams or individuals within university or universities world-wide. Over the summer vacation, I was invited to participate in... Continue Reading →
A Lesson from the Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
Yesterday I was at the ATM to get some cash because I dearly needed money. As I started to transact, the ATM showed me an inscription which said: Please insert your card. I did. And then another message popped up- Please enter your pin code. I did. And then another message came- select the amount.... Continue Reading →
It’s Your Freedom and So is Mine
Freedom is a gift. Yet, we have enjoyed it too much that we tend to forget how valuable and precious it is. I am a Filipino and REAL CHANGE begins with me. 👏 HISTORYMAKER My Dear Filipinos, I am not against who you will vote for on May 9 national election. I do not care if we... Continue Reading →
IGOROTA: Pride of Cordillera
"Woman's beauty dies with her body; but a culture's beauty dies with humanity" It's International Women's Month celebration thus this dedication: Special Credit: The Igorot via Facebook She is beautiful. She is fierce. She is strongwilled. She is brave. IGOROTA is her name. If the Igorot is strong, the Igorota takes pride being the toughest. In any... Continue Reading →
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