Q&A: Would You Change Your Religious Beliefs To Marry Someone You Love?:

Does this sound familiar? I startled when I heard this question for the first time. You might think this has no sense at all but certainly, someday, if you plan to spend the rest of your life with someone then you will have to face it. So, bring it on! If you were asked this... Continue Reading →

Dear (possible) future husband

This is beautiful! 🙂 Historymaker's Note: Dear Ladies: Mr. Wrong will compromise your purity and then disappear. Mr. Right will protect your purity and then CHANGE YOUR LAST NAME. [:) (yun kasi e!) Dear Gentlemen: ”Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” -Prov.31:30 [:)... Continue Reading →

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