What Volunteering Has Taught Me ❤️

Volunteer I love today's prompt: Volunteer!  via Daily Prompt: Volunteer. It significantly flashbacks golden memories of my volunteering experiences. I live in a lovable country where volunteering opportunities can be found almost everywhere. Why? First, it is prone to natural calamities such as earthquakes, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, etc. Second, it is a developing country where at least 26.3% (12Million... Continue Reading →

Little Things 😊 Done with Great Love

More often than not, people receive recognition from achieving big things in life but only a few are recognized for doing LITTLE things with GREAT love. In this blog, I want to commend one. He is Sir Mazakasu Nose..👷 ..a selfless Japanese man with a heart ♡. This man talks less about what he does but this is not the first time I witnessed him doing... Continue Reading →

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