The Hidden Discipline in ‘Waiting’

This post is inspired by Daily Prompt: Overwhelming. Waiting is hard. We wait in grocery lines, in traffic, in the doctor's office. We twiddle our thumbs, stifle our yawns, and fret inwardly in frustration. On another level, we WAIT FOR A LETTER that doesn't come, for a prodigal child to return, or for a spouse... Continue Reading →

Is Rice R & D Worth Investing In?

Proceedings: Is Rice R&D Worth Investing In? Rice is an important crop in the Philippines (PH). In the Rice-Based Farm Household Survey (RBFHS) of PhilRice, 68% of farmer-respondents reported that rice income accounts for more than 50% of their total earnings in July-December 2011. FNRI (2008) survey results show that rice and rice products constitute... Continue Reading →

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