My NZAS Journey: What I Have Learned So Far

What is success? What determines whether you are successful or not? I am quite certain that success differs from one person to another. Success may be pursuing a degree and finishing it (with and without flying colors). Success may be getting married and having a beautiful family life. Success may be building a career and... Continue Reading →

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Pass It On: ‘Siak Tatta, Nu Bigat Sika’

I am inspired to launch the Pay It 4Ward PH because of this story: This was in the late 1990s, I feel so old just saying that because it has been 20+ years already. For the younger generation who are not familiar with '90s, let me paint you a picture. There was no smart phones.... Continue Reading →

NZAS #7: How to Overcome the Academic Pressure

***2018 NZAS Completion Ceremony***  With passion, determination, hard work and perseverance, dreams  can become a reality. Interestingly, people often boast that they are hard workers without understanding what it really means. In fact, it demands  a lot of time and energy behind the scene to make things really work. Should we really push ourselves beyond... Continue Reading →

Build A Life, Not Just A Resume–Indeed!

You have been scrolling classified ads or job postings online for over several weeks now to look for job opportunities yet it seems that you are stuck. You updated your resume and your LinkedIn profile. You started spending lesser time on your Facebook  newsfeeds and Instagram photos while paying more attention on building network through... Continue Reading →

iTravel NZ: Experience Coromandel

Physical activities can positively influence academic performance. In fact, even the brightest students sometimes struggle with pressure and school requirements. However, if they know how to counteract this circumstance as it occurs, they would likely succeed. In my case, I always have music and traveling in mind. Students have been busy these past few weeks... Continue Reading →

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