Little Things 😊 Done with Great Love

More often than not, people receive recognition from achieving big things in life but only a few are recognized for doing LITTLE things with GREAT love. In this blog, I want to commend one. He is Sir Mazakasu Nose..👷 ..a selfless Japanese man with a heart ♡. This man talks less about what he does but this is not the first time I witnessed him doing little things for Baguio with great love. Maybe you recognize him too.

Photo Credit: The Inquirer

Every morning, this Japanese man carrying a large garbage bag and a pair of tongs voluntarily picks up plastic containers, coffee cups, food wrappers and other trash dumped by undisciplined people passing by Magsaysay Avenue, Abanao Street, and Session Road. He originally came to the Philippines to study English but found love for Baguio–a reason to extend his stay. He started running a small food stall at a local mall to share his unique version of Japanese Takoyaki.

Recently, he was spotted painting a dilapidated overpass near the City Market for free. It seems that he does not want to draw attention but the little things he has been doing is a commendable act. This piece of writing is not enough to applaud him for his act of love and kindness.

Photo Credit: Querubin XD via Facebook  | The Cordillera Sun

On a side note, however, it’s a bit shame to let a guest do the work for us–the citizens. He may have sense of fulfillment and joy for what he is personally doing but this should not excuse the city government, the citizens and the TOURISTS to do what needs to be done:

“I hope Filipinos don’t throw away garbage,” he said.


As a manner of appreciation, we can thank him by dropping by his Takoyaki stall, “Masaya Takoyaki” at 3rd Floor Baguio Center Mall near City Public Market.

[“Masaya” is a Tagalog word for “Happy”]
Wanna go? 😊

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